Thursday, September 24, 2009


Is Marijuana Really Dangerous for Health
Many people are involved in marijuana smoking, everyone have their different beliefs and reasons behind its use. Some people think that it is not dangerous and also helps you in fighting with diseases like gloominess, arthritis etc. Marijuana is different from other drugs like heroin, nicotine and many others. Marijuana can be injected in many different ways one of the commonly used methods is by smoking pot. Also there are other things like rolled paper like that of cigarettes, pipes etc. Poor people who can not afford inhaling through pots use a different technique, they burn it inside the soda or cold drink cans and the smoke produced is inhaled through the opening present in the can. Almost every one goes for pot smoking.
Marijuana is illegal in many of the countries while it is authorized is some. These countries or states are earning lot of money every year through the taxes paid to them. The use of marijuana is very much common among lot of people in such places. Making it legal help countries to improve their financial condition as heavy taxes are paid by the dealers to the government. Even in the countries where it is illegal these are used in unauthorized ways. This is not as much dangerous like alcohol or inhaling tobacco via cigarettes.
You can see the ill effects of smoking marijuana after many years, like if you are inhaling it from the past 9 or 10 years. There are very less people heard that are addicted to it. It can cause a problem like laziness. It is not a big problem but it can be if not taken care of, as due to laziness you will not be able to do any other thing that you must do. You may start lacking in many things like your business or your job. Due to which you can loose your position which will in turn affect you and your family.
Injecting it twice or thrice will not be harmful for you but its regular intake can be dangerous. There are also some other problems that you can come across once you get addicted to it. Inhaling it 4 or 5 times just for fun will attract you another time and then you became addicted to it from where the problem starts. If you are using it then you must leave it as there are many ill effects that are caused by it.